#XTOL: accessibility tooltip shown for the logo icon in the header of the shell control SHELL_LOGO_TOOLTIP=Logo #XTOL: Text and tooltip of the Close button of a Shell dialog window SHELL_OVERLAY_CLOSE=Schlie\u00DFen #XACT: ARIA description of the Menu control MNU_ARIA_NAME=Men\u00FC #XACT: Aria information for the Calendar dialog CALENDAR_DIALOG=Kalender #XACT: Aria information for calendar week CALENDAR_WEEK=Kalenderwoche #XACT: Aria information for start date CALENDAR_START_DATE=Startdatum #XACT: Aria information for end date CALENDAR_END_DATE=Enddatum #XACT: Aria information for start month CALENDAR_START_MONTH=Anfangsmonat #XACT: Aria information for end month CALENDAR_END_MONTH=Endmonat #XACT: Aria information for current month CALENDAR_CURRENT_MONTH=Aktueller Monat #XACT: Aria information for start time CALENDAR_START_TIME=Startzeit #XACT: Aria information for end time CALENDAR_END_TIME=Endezeit #XACT: Aria information for current time CALENDAR_CURRENT_TIME=Jetzt #XBUT CALENDAR_CANCEL=Abbrechen #XACT CALENDAR_BTN_PREV=Zur\u00FCck #XACT CALENDAR_BTN_NEXT=Weiter #XACT: Aria information for appointment APPOINTMENT=Termin #XACT: Aria information for tentative appointment APPOINTMENT_TENTATIVE=Mit Vorbehalt #XBUT: File Uploader - browse button text FILEUPLOAD_BROWSE=Durchsuchen ... #XACT: File Uploader - ARIA text FILEUPLOAD_ACC=Aktivieren, um eine Datei auszuw\u00E4hlen #XFLD: Calendar Legend category selected LEGEND_SELECTED=Ausgew\u00E4hlte #XFLD: Calendar Legend category today LEGEND_TODAY=Heute #XFLD: Calendar Legend category working day LEGEND_NORMAL_DAY=Arbeitstag #XFLD: Calendar Legend category none working LEGEND_NON_WORKING_DAY=Arbeitsfreier Tag #XFLD: Calendar Legend unnamed type LEGEND_UNNAMED_TYPE=Typ {0}